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Systems Leadership: Building Effective Working Systems

Led by Rowena Davis and Annie MacIver

Working within, for and across organisations can be both satisfying and frustrating. As organisations become more complex, systems leadership is often put forward as the “solution.” What is systems leadership and how do we put it into practice? Systems-centered training is one approach to building our capacity to be a systems member, leader, manager or consultant.

This experiential workshop offers a framework, methods and tools to make sense of the system dynamics that get in the way of making the changes you and others want to make. Using the core systems-centered method of functional subgrouping, we will explore how to take up organisational roles so that you and the system you are working in or for are freer to collaborate and able to solve problems more easily.


Beyond Just Survival: Building Attuned Systems to Work with Emotional Distress and Traumatized States

Led by Ray Haddock and Juliet Koprowska

Increasing numbers of people are reporting experiences of emotional distress, from childhood into old age. There is evidence that attuned relating increases emotional regulation, reduces distress and builds new pathways for effective functioning. Yet pressure on professionals to manage high caseloads and meet targets and deadlines can make attuned relating seem like a luxury. In addition, getting close to people in dysregulated and traumatised states can trigger our own distress. So how can we remain attuned and empathic?

The workshop will teach theory and methods along with experiential practice to further develop skills in attuned reflection, integral to the systems-centered method of functional subgrouping which is the method we will use to share our learning experiences throughout the workshop.

At the end of each day participants in the two workshops come together in a large group to practise the core Systems-Centered method of Functional Subgrouping to explore similarities and differences. This is an opportunity to practise integrating differences.