A practical approach to change


For those new and curious about SCT, as well as those with previous SCT experience

Foundations of Systems–Centered Training

Led by Mike Maher & Lotte Paans

  • The group will learn about SCT theory, practise skills and work as an experiential group. We will use functional subgrouping to explore differences instead of reacting to or scapegoating them. Please assess yourself to ensure this is a good time for you to participate in an experiential training.
  • Places limited, sign up soon!

For those new and curious about SCT, as well as those with previous SCT experience

Making Work Roles Work (for us and our organisations)

Led by Rowena Davis with Janneke Maas

  • This experiential workshop is for people wanting to apply their skills and explore their challenges in work roles. We will apply SCT in our work as team members in the workshop and explore how to use SCT in our outside work contexts. The content and experience of this workshop change every time, so if you’ve been before, you’ll still have a new experience.
  • Places limited, so sign up soon!

For members of SCTRI who have met the learning goals for foundation training

SCT Intermediate Skills Training

Led by Juliet Koprowska & Madeline O’Carroll with Ros Wood

  • Members will practise applying SCT protocols with others and learning the theory that each protocol implements in a given context. This is an intensive training comprising theory, videotaped skills practice, and review.
  • By application only. If you are considering this step, contact Juliet Koprowska juliet.koprowska@sctuk.org or Madeline O’Carrol madeline.ocarroll@sctuk.org for an application form. Applications due by 23 July 2023.

For members of SCTRI who have completed Intermediate Skills or beyond

Intermediate Leadership Development: Seeing the System

Led by Fran Carter & Annie MacIver with Patricia Aerts

  • This training focuses on further developing the capacity to “see” the system through the lens of TLHS and Systems Centered Practice. We will explore cases brought by members to think through a system analysis, collect data from the communication pattern (SAVI); develop and use a force field, identify implicit and explicit goals in the phase of development and plan intervention strategies.

For members of SCTRI who have completed Intermediate Skills or beyond

Observation training (observing the development of the Foundation group)

Led by Mike Maher & Lotte Paans

  • The goal of the observation training is to develop the inter-person curious observer/researcher system. We will integrate information from our apprehensive inner-person experiences and our observations of the group-as-a-whole as it develops.

For members of SCTRI who have completed Intermediate Skills or beyond

Container Training (in the Foundation Group)

Led by Mike Maher & Lotte Paans

  • Work as containers to contribute to the group development by learning to watch the group and use data from yourselves as information about the system and its phase of development.
  • Before registering, contact Mike Maher to discuss criteria. (mike.maher1@me.com)
  • Applications due by 3 July 2023