Working with uncertainty in organisations: the Systems-Centered approach

Led by Rowena Davis and Annie MacIver

This workshop will explore the impact of uncertainty on our leadership and membership roles at work.  What helps and what gets in the way of fully inhabiting our authority in our leader/member roles? We will:

  • Use the Systems-Centered method of functional subgrouping to explore our reactions to uncertainty and its impact on us in our work roles
  • Practise undoing our anxiety to become more curious at the edge of the unknown
  • Use Systems-Centered theory and practice to move from personalising our experience to seeing the impact of the wider context
  • Discover what helps and what gets in the way of supporting ourselves and others to take up systems leadership and membership in uncertain times

This workshop is open to newcomers and those familiar with Systems-Centered work.


Living with not knowing: Using the Foundations of Systems-Centered work

The next Foundation workshop is at the York online event 13 & 14 September 2021
Details to follow shortly